Snowboarding Injuries: Are they preventable?

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On the eve of the Winter Olympics reports that Katie Ormerod has suffered a double injury blow that will rule her out of the event has come as a massive disappointment for her and the British Team. Ormerod reports that she suffered a fractured wrist two days before the official opening ceremony, then in training the following day she suffered a severe calcaneus fracture.

We saw last week with Joe Breedon that injuries are part and parcel of being an extreme sport athlete. But how preventable are these traumatic injuries?

I thought today I would discuss how to prevent common snowboarding injuries. Whilst skiing injuries often involve the knees, snowboarding injuries by contrast tend to involve the upper extremities and head. When snowboarders fall they land on their hands, back, head and in free-style events a significant force will go through the board and feet. The most typical snowboarding injury is a wrist fracture. Other common injuries include the shoulder, neck and concussions

Unlike many sporting injuries that are related to overuse, ski and snowboard injuries are normally related to an acute traumatic event and as can be more difficult prevent. However, there a few things you can do to help minimise the risk of these injuries when you are on the slopes:


1.     Invest in some wrist guards- there is evidence that has demonstrated that these will reduce the risk. The guards should be flexible and longer rather than shorter with the splint palm side only.


2.     Wear a Helmet- evidence has shown that whilst wearing a helmet won’t eradicate your chances of getting a head injury, they can reduce the severity of head injuries.



3.     Learn how to fall. Avoid falling on out-stretched arms. See this video


4.     Do not over reach- stay on slopes and routes that are not too challenging and allow you to develop your skill level safely


Hopefully this has re-enforced some safety tips and ideas for all of you hitting the slopes this season.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the Winter Olympics!



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